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BB Shooters

What Are The Rules of Airsoft?

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Airsoft is a fast-paced, team-oriented sport that has been gaining in popularity in recent years. But before you get started, it's important to understand the rules of the game. In this blog, we'll explore the rules of Airsoft, from game play to safety regulations and field etiquette. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of how Airsoft works and what are its rules.

Airsoft General Rules

At its core, Airsoft is a competitive team sport where players use replica firearms to tag each other out of the game. The guns fire plastic pellets, or BBs, which are designed to hurt no more than a light slap when they hit a player. Each team has its own set of objectives that must be completed in order to win the game.

Airsoft is divided into two main types of play. The first is "speedball," which features fast-paced games with short rounds and multiple teams. The second is "mil-sim," which is based on military simulations and often involves longer, more intense games.

  • Wear you protection (googles, mask) at all time on battlefield.

  • Fair Play at first! - call your hits, be friendly

  • If you see someone cheating, do not get into conflict, give the information to the organizers

  • Do not talk dirty

  • No physical contant

  • Never aim at someone without protective gear

  • Semi - automatic only in close quarters battle

  • Referees have the final say

A. Basic Rules

1. Safety

a. Always wear safety googless

b. Semi-automatic fire in close combat

c. Watch your surroundings, beware of pits and other obstacles

d. Never aim at a player without safety goggles

e. Never consume alcohol or drugs

2. Fair Play

a. Always call your hits

b. Do not cheat

c. Do not communicate with player when you are "dead"

d. Always keep your hands over your head when you are "dead"

3. Elimination

a. Do not continue shooting if the player calls hit

b. When you get hit, shout hit and put your hands over your head

c. Do not shoot on the head if you dont have to

Airsoft Etiquette

In addition to following the rules of the game, it is also important to follow certain team etiquette rules. This includes respecting your opponents, treating your teammates with respect, and being a good sport.

It is important to remember that Airsoft is a game and that everyone is there to have fun. As such, it is important to treat your opponents with respect and to never take the game too seriously. It is also important to be a good sport and to congratulate your opponents when they win.

Finally, it is important to treat your teammates with respect. This includes listening to their advice, following their instructions, and taking responsibility for your own actions. By following these simple rules, you can ensure that everyone is having a fun and safe time while playing Airsoft.

Airsoft Field Rules

In order to ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming experience, all Airsoft fields must adhere to certain rules. These rules typically include age restrictions, speed and projectile limits, and general safety regulations.

Age restrictions vary from field to field, but typically no one under the age of 18 is allowed to play Airsoft. Speed and projectile limits are also in place to ensure that the BBs fired by players are not too powerful. Most fields also require players to use only biodegradable BBs, which are designed to break down quickly and not damage the environment. Rules may vary depending on the type of airsoft game.


In conclusion, Airsoft is an exciting and fast-paced team sport that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. However, it is important to remember that safety is paramount, and all players must adhere to the rules and regulations of the game. By following the game rules, team etiquette, and field regulations, you can ensure that everyone is having a safe and enjoyable Airsoft experience.

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